Solas Test Aralıkları ve Jurnal Kayıtları
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Solas Test Aralıkları ve Jurnal Kayıtları


Solas gereği Can Kurtarma ve Yangın Söndürme ekipmanlarının testleri ve rutin kontrolleri yapılmalı ve bunlar aynı zamanda Güverte jurnaline de kaydedilmelidir. Gemide Safety zabitinin yapması ve kaydetmesi gereken testler ve kayıtlar aşağıdaki gibidir.

Haftalık Kayıtlar – Weekly

1- Survival craft,rescue boats and launching appliances(visual)   /  solas reg.III/20.6.1 /  by crew  / Log book entry

2- Test run of life-and rescue boat engines  /   solas reg.III/20.6.2  /  by crew  /  Log book entry

3- Testing of public address and general alarm system  / solas reg.III/20.6.3 /   by crew  /  Log book entry

4- Clinders of breathing apparatus(check for leakage)   / solas reg.II-2/  ; ;  MSC-Circ.850 / by crew / Log book entry.

Aylık Kayıtlar – Monthly

1-  Testing of emergency lighting  /  solas reg.III/  /   by crew  /  Log book entry

2-  LSA including lifeboat equipment  acc. to checklist  /  solas reg.III/20.7  ;  MSC-Circ. 1047  /  by crew  / Log book entry

3-  Immersion suits  /  solas reg.III/20.7  ;  MSC-Circ.1047  /  by crew  / 

4-  Fireman’s outfits,Fire extinguishers,Fire hydrants,Hoses and nozzles in place, properly arranged and in proper condition / MSC-Circ.850 /  by crew  /  Log book entry

 5-  Fixed fire fighting stop valves in proper open and closed condition  / MSC-Circ.850  /  by crew  / Log book entry

6-  Check appropriate  pressure of wet pipe sprinkler systems indicated by gauges  /  MSC-Circ.850  /  by crew  / Log book entry

7-  Correct levels of water of sprinkler system pressure tank indicated  by glass gauges  /  MSC-Circ.850  /  by crew  / Log book entry

8-  Sprinkler system pumps operate automatically on reduction of pressure /  MSC-Circ.850  /  by crew  / Log book entry

9-  Check operation of fire pumps /  MSC-Circ.850  /  by crew  / Log book entry

Altı Aylık Kayıtlar – 6 Monthly

1-Function test of all automatic alarms for sprinkler systems by using test valves for each section /  MSC-Circ.850  /  by crew  / Log book entry

2-Check condition of international shore connection  /  MSC-Circ.850    /    by crew   /   Log book entry

3-Test of fire doors and fire dampers for local operation  /   MSC-Circ.850  /  by crew    /   Log book entry

Yıllık Kayıtlar – Yearly

1-  Inflatable liferafts , lifejackets   /   solas reg.III/   /    by  service company          (Administration can allow extension up to 17 months)

2-  Hydrostatic release units (non-disposal) / solas reg.III/20.9.1  /   by  service company   (Administration can allow extension up to 17 months)

3-  Lifeboat on-release gear  /  solas reg.III/  / by  service company  / Log book enter

4-  Compressed air cylinders for lifeboats with self contained air support system (external inspection)  / by crew

5-  Lifebuoy  light battery  replacement  /  solas reg.III/7.1.3  ; LSA Code 1.2.3 , 2.1.2 /  by crew  / as per makers expiry date  (yıllık tavsiye ediliyor)

6-  First-aid  outfit of lifeboat equipment / solas reg.III/41.8.20  ;  LSA Code  /  by crew  / as per makers expiry date  (yıllık tavsiye ediliyor)

7-  Portable fire extinguishers and mobile fire extinguishers-check for proper location,charging pressure and condition /solas reg.II-2/10.3  ; MSC-Circ.850  /  by crew  /  Log book entry

8-  Foam-water and water-sprey fixed fire fighting systems – operation test /  MSC-Circ.850  /  by crew  / Log book entry

9-  Test of fire dedection system for proper operation  /  solas reg.II-2/7.3.2  ;  MSC-Circ.850 /   by crew  / Log book entry

10-Test of fire doors and fire dampers for remote operation  /  MSC-Circ.850  /  by crew  /  Log book entry

11- Fire hoses hydrostatic test  /  MSC-Circ.850  /  by crew  /  Log book entry

12- Flow test of fire pump incl. sprinkler pumps for proper pressure and flow  /  MSC-Circ.850  /  by crew  /  Log book entry

13- Operation test of all hydrants  /  MSC-Circ.850  /  by crew  /  Log book entry

14- Operation test of sprinkler system  connections  from  the ship’s fire main  / MSC-Circ.850  /  by crew  /  Log book entry

15- Check of breathing apparatus  air recharging systems for air quality  / MSC-Circ.850  /  by service company  /  Log book entry

16- Blow air  through  the piping  of extinguishing gas systems  /  MSC-Circ.850  /   by crew  /  Log book entry

17- Testing  of Satellite EPIRBs (406 MHz EPIRB)  /  solas reg.IV/15.9  /  by service company

18- Testing of Voyage Data  Recorder (VRD)   /  solas reg.V/18.8  /   by service company 

19- Testing of Radio Battery  / solas reg.IV/13.6.2  /  by service company  /  Log book entry

20- Foam concentrate for fixed foam fire  extinguishing system  / solas reg.II-2/14 ; MSC-Circ.850 ; MSC-Circ.670 / by service company (ilk dolumdan 3 yıl sonar yapılır daha sonra her yıl yapılacaktır)

21- Maintenance of EEBD   /  MSC-Circ.849 ; FSS Code (imo Res.MSC.98(73))  /  as per makers instruction (yılda bir yapılması tavsiye edilir)

2 Yıllık Kayıtlar – 2 Yearly

1- Fixed fire extinguishing system, such as gas-foam-powder-water sprey or water mist inspection  / solas reg.II-2/10.4 ; FSS Code (imo Res.MSC.98(73))  /  by service company  /  (2 yılda bir yapılması tavsiye edilmektedir)

2- CO2 gas – halon cylinders , cylinders of fixed gas fire extinguishing system  level check / solas reg.II-2/14 ; MSC-Circ.850 / by crew / (kural aralik vermiyor fakat klas kuruluşları iki yılda bir yapılmasını tavsiye ediyorlar)

3- CO2 hose assemblies – visual  check  / Class rule “ Turk Loyd”  / by  service company

3 Yıllık Kayıtlar – 3 Yearly

1- Line trowing rockets  / solas reg.III/18;  LSA Code 1.2.3 , 7.1  /   by crew  /  as per maker expiry date /  (3 yılda bir yapılması tavsiye ediliyor)

2- Rocket parachute flares / solas reg.III/6.3; LSA Code 1.2.3 , 3.1 / by crew / as per maker expiry date /  (3 yılda bir yapılması tavsiye ediliyor)

3- Smoke signals / solas reg.III/7.1.3; LSA Code 1.2.3 , 3.3 /  by crew  / as per maker expiry date / (3 yılda bir yapılması tavsiye ediliyor)

4- Foam concentrate for fixed foam fire  extinguishing system  / solas reg.II-2/14; MSC-Circ.850 ; MSC-Circ.670 / by service company (ilk dolumdan 3 yil sonar yapılır )                                                         

5- Maintenance of falls used in launching  / solas reg.III/20.4.1 / by crew  or by service company  /  Log book entry  (End for end’in  30 ay sonunda yapılması  ve 5 yılda  bir yenilenmesi ön görülüyor)

4 Yıllık Kayıtlar – 4 Yearly

Solas reg.III/20.4.2 gereği ; eğer end for end yapılmaz ve periodic inspection yapılmak kaydı ile ilgili tel halatlar 4 yılda bir değişmesi gerekir. (Bayrak devletinde uygun gormesi halinde ancak bu durum uygulanabilir)

5 Yıllık Kayıtlar – 5 Yearly

1- Renewal of falls used in launching  / solas reg.III/20.4.1  /  by crew  or  by service company   /   Log book entry 

2- Launching appliances (thorough examination and dynamic test of the winch brake) / solas reg.III/20/11.1 ; LSA Code /    by  service company   /   Log book entry

3- Lifeboat on-load release gear (overhauling and load test)   /   solas reg.III/   /   by service company  /  Log book entry

4- Hydrostatic testing of  compressed air cylinders for lifeboat / …/ by service company (ilgili solas kuralı olmamasına karşın 5 yılda bir     yapılması tavsiye ediliyor.

5- Food rations of lifeboat equipment / LSA Code / by crew  /  as per maker expiry date  (5 yılda bir değişmesi tavsiye ediliyor)

6- Medical Oxygen cylinders- Hydraulic pressure test /………/ by service company (ilgili kural olmamasına karşın 5 yılda bir yapılması tavsiye)

7- Satellite EPIRBs(406 MHz EPIRBs and L-Band EPIRBs)  / solas reg.IV/15.9  /  by service company  / certificate of compliance’a islenecek.

10 Yıllık Kayıtlar – 10 Yearly

1- Fire extinguishing and associates propellant gas cylinders- hydrostatic pressure test / MSC-Circ.847 / by  service company

2- Compressed air cylinder in liferaft container – Hydrostatic testing) /  by service company

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